10 Things New Graduates Must Know About Job Hunting

1. Don’t stress about getting the “perfect job” right away. Don’t put that pressure on yourself. Get some experience at interviewing (even for lousy jobs). Gradually you will gain confidence and even look forward to job interviews.

2. There’s nothing wrong with taking a survival job while you look for a “career” job. Anyone who would judge you for that is someone whose opinion doesn’t matter anyway.

3. When you interview with employers, pay attention to the energy in the room. If you don’t like the energy, don’t take the job. The culture of the company you work for matters more than the job title, the starting salary or almost any other factor.

4. Now is the time to use the network you’ve spent 20+plus years cultivating! The typical new college grad knows at least 100 people. Make a list of contacts and begin reaching out to those people. Include your friends from high school and college, your parents’ friends, your friends’ parents, and everyone else you know. Send each person an email message, LinkedIn note or an old-fashioned letter to thank them for their support over the years and let them know you’ve graduated. Mention the types of jobs you’re looking for and thank them for any ideas or introductions they could send your way!

5. There are awesome, smart and compassionate people in the business world and there are plenty of fakes and phonies, too. No matter how appealing a job opportunity sounds, if the people leading the organization aren’t honest, ethical people you will not be happy in the job.

6. The job market is much better than it was. New-grad salaries are close to $50,000 on average, but there is still a lot of competition in the talent market (and not just from your fellow members of the class of 2017). Your branding is important. Focus on the jobs you really want, not any job you could possibly perform.

7. Use LinkedIn as a free branding tool and a way to build your network. Use LinkedIn to research prospective employers and begin sending Pain Letters to your own hiring manager (department manager) in each of your Target Employers.

8. Keep in mind that a job search is a long-distance race, not a sprint. There’s no gold medal for the person who lands a job offer two weeks after graduation, especially if the job turns out to be a bust. Take your time.

9. People around you — even people who love you — may pressure you to take the first job offer you get. They may pressure you to take a job you don’t want. It would be very unusual for you as a new grad to find your dream job straight away, but you shouldn’t take a job if you dread the idea of going to work there every day. Your career is your business to manage. (If you are living with your parents and they’re paying your expenses, take the first job that will let you move out — once you are financially independent, you get to call the shots!)

10. Finally, remember that you were awesome before you earned your degree and you’re even more amazing now! Don’t compare yourself to your friends and classmates. They are on their own paths. Stick to your path and listen to your heart.


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